Sunday, May 27, 2012

Catching up on the last couple days:

May 24th:

Got to the very small Entebbe airport around 7ish and after some luggage struggle (the cart I was pushing felt like all 4 wheels were no round and a Yemi lost her bag *sad face*), got onto a bus and had a 40 minute drive to our first destination. During the drive (it was at night) my scenses where overwhelming... mainly smell because it was pretty dark out but saw a few Ugandans around!

The bus unloaded at the 'retreat center' for a night around 9ish (I think) and headed to the training center after breakfast. Got our Malaria pill rations for training and had an opportunity to take a shower (I'm sure we all took one!) and ate some Ugandan food! We finally were able to sleep laying down after about 30+ hours spend flying and in an airplane... ugh. Plus we were sleeping in mosquito nets! I slept so well I almost forgot how it wonderful it felt to lay down! Dinner last night: Mashed plantains (matooke), rice w veggies, beef, chicken, kidney beans, and a mixture of 'greens' (kale I think). This morning it started off with one rooster crowing for about an hour.... then two more chimed in for another hour or so.... I didn't think roosters could sleep in :p

First so Far:

Eating a meal on a plane
Flying internationally
Having a layover flight
Having my very own PASSPORT!!
Being on another continent
Standing in the southern hemisphere (South Africa layover)
Saw a Zebra... pelt
Slept under a mosquito net

and that was only the traveling portion... along with some things that didn't seem as exciting to add to the list.

May 25- 27

We arrived at the training center.... completely organic! They have a HUGE garden... a few actually... with carrots, plantains, bananas, cabbage, pineapple, passion fruit, papaya, mango.... and tons more! We were introduced to our instructors and PCMO (peace corps medical officers) and had a few brief classes about Health, Safety and Security. The next day we spent learning some Luganda (most common language in central Uganda) for about 4 hours... Wasuzotyano ssebo (How did you spend your night sir) Osiibyeotyano nnyabo (How did you spend your day mam).... Oli - otya (informal hello). Also through being here for only a few days already picked up a few other words... Webale (Thank You) which I use quite a bit. Mutatu (taxi) which the taxi's here are usually vans and the taxi park here is crazy.... Google: Kampala taxi park... normal taxi's we think of in the US are called 'specials' or 'private'.... but almost every car here would be considered one because anyone is willing to drive you around for extra cash so... it's kind of weird. We got a Kampala (Uganda Capitol) tour today and it was crazy! Many Ugandans... of course... and got called Mazungu (white person) a ton which was... weird... you are white so they assume you are rich and overcharge you so haggling is a must... even for locals.... working in a flea market in the past helps a lot with that hahaha (life experience). Also got a tour of the compound today... AKA 4 of us walked around and talked to the locals that live on the land and take care of it/ work here. Baby pigs everywhere!!! Adorableness. And got to FINALLY pet a COW and a CALF!!! YEAH! Who would have thought the first time I pet a cow was going to be in Uganda... sooo cool!!! and I was touching like... every pigs nose :p I only get 1 hour on this computer so I'm just trying to give you guys something to read.... basically its awesome here.

Took my first bucket bath about 2 hours ago and I rock at it! Also learned how to wash clothes by hand... the Ugandans are really clean! They think most of us Mazungus wash our clothes poorly here  because we don't have the technique down... I deff can't rinse correctly in a bucket... But I will get better, I've only been here less than a week and already learning the culture... felt sick and jet lagged a bit the past 3 days but today felt loads better... with watermelon for breakfast! The new Malaria pills probably don't help. But... this place is PARADISE! SOOOOOO GREEENNNN!!!  It has been raining about twice a day... once in the early morning and again in the afternoon... usually it pours for about 30 min-1 hour and stops... but when it rains.... boy it rains hard and I'm sure I haven't even seen the real rainy season yet!!

Until next time.... I hope this is a good amount to read!

I'm livin' the Dream.... MY Dream!!! :D

Monday, May 21, 2012

This is the Final Countdown! dun dun dun :)

Less than 24 hours till STAGING! Then AFRICA!!!!

I would like to thank EVERYONE who attended my 'Going Away Bash!!' I enjoyed the company and spending one of my last few days in Michigan/ the US surrounded by friends and family. I hope you enjoyed celebrating my new adventure in life. I would also like to thank those who gave me cards, letters, and gifts. :) I also hope you enjoyed the food BIG BIG BIG thanks to my parents for opening their home and cooking/ prepping/ cleaning/ and everything else they did (giving me life, supporting me, not telling me 'NO' too often when I wanted to do something ridiculous). I helped them out where I could with the preparations, cooking, and cleaning but they are like ninjas and move too quickly! I hope they enjoy the clock I gave them set in 'Uganda Time' so they don't call me at 4 in the morning and expect me to be happy when they do :p

Song: Leaving On A Jet Plane - John Denver

This song seems fitting... for tomorrow morning anyway. This is my last day at home :( but I'm also feeling very :) EXCITED... which is an understatement. Right now it kind of feels like I'm sitting in a roller coaster before the ride even starts... you're a tad nervous yet excited at the same time and you just can't wait for it to pull you in all sorts of directions depending on the already determined track... except.... my track isn't determined I can't even imagine what ANYTHING will be like so.... we'll just have to wait and seeeeeeeeee.

I still have a few things to do today; have lunch with my grandma & grandpa, call my banks and let them know I will be using my card overseas so they won't think I'm stealing my own identity and put a lock on my account (that would be baaaaaad), get some ice cream (who wouldn't?), hopefully play one last legit game of 'Settlers of Catan' (before I'm forced to make my own janky board in Uganda), and generally hang out with my puppy, parents/ family, and good friends. (Plus watching Breaking Dawn with my mother in celebration of her finishing the 4th book.... yeah that's right I read Twilight and my mom did too :p )

So here is to my last day home (at my parents house) for 27 months! I will soon have a new home in Uganda but will not forget this one... I believe in this situation and others a person can have more than one 'home.' Truth.


P.S. My phone is being disconnected after today... finally... maybe I'll throw it against a wall with my stored up feelings of joy (and sweep up the pieces of course). So the best way to contact me for now is e-mail or by commenting on the blog or facebook. I may not have internet access for some time... and I have NO idea what my situation will actually be like when I get there with internet/ phone n such. Updates on that later.... if I have internet :p

Friday, May 11, 2012

11 Days & Counting

Its only been a little over a week since my last post but it feels like its been over a month! I've been so busy doing nothing but everything at the same time (mentally and physically) preparing to leave for 2 years that I just haven't wanted/ been able to (circle one) sit and type everything out. Even now I keep getting up... doing something and continuing where I stopped typing. Radar (my dog) needs attention too before I leave! The good news is I pretty much have everything I hope I'll need for the next 2 years and I'm sick of shopping online and in the stores. 

So since my last post I received confirmation of my flight to Philly on the 22nd, a recommended packing list for Uganda, a list of last minute packing reminders and requirements, and an itinerary for the first 9 weeks of my new life! To make a long and detailed schedule short(er)...

My Peace Corps Trainee (PCT) schedule:

Week 1 and 2: spent at a central training site learning about Uganda, its culture, skills, and basic Luganda and Ugandan English = Uganglish (just mash it together like potatoes).

Week 3, 4 and 5: I guess PC is trying something new for training and sending us away to Satellite locations in smaller groups for these next 3 weeks so we can learn a language more practical to out "permanent" site (I'm guessing) and work on community integration.

Week 5: I get to visit my future site and supervisors/ colleagues!!!!! I'm already stoked for this week just reading about it on a piece of paper so when it actually comes I'm going to be majorly uuber stoked!

Week 6-8: ongoing assessment training (Yikes!)

July 26th if all goes well I will be Swearing in as a PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER!!

July 27th I will be on my way to my new home!!!

Almost forgot how badass my weekend was... Instead of explaining it... I'll just show you a picture or 2!

This is how I celebrate Cinco De Mayo! 
Go BIG or Go Home!

Keeping an open mind with little expectations.... here I come Uganda!