Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tickets Booked!

Time is just flying by! It seems like just yesterday I received my invitation in the mail and was jumping for joy... now I'm doing the same thing on the inside... and nervous. It's a really good feeling and I love it!

So staging will take place in Philly at the Crowne Plaza Hotel... which... just the name of it makes me not want to touch anything. Boarding a plane in Detroit at 10am and arriving at Noon in Philly. Finding a shuttle to the hotel and then finishing some paperwork and officially registering as a Peace Corps Trainee! After registration there are a few meetings/ seminars and then we are done at 7pm. Then the fun begins! Rise and shine wayyyyy before the sun even comes up at 2:00am to check out and head on a bus to JFK airport in New York! Then board a plane to Johannesburg, South Africa on a 15 hour flight! Hope on yet another plane and fly away to Uganda for a 4 hour flight! FINALLY I will arrive in Uganda around 7:00pm and hopefully get to catch up on some leg stretching!!!!

The last thing I need to buy for the trip are skirts... most of you can't even imagine me in a skirt and in Uganda that is all I will be wearing! So I will not have to worry too much about a last minute shopping craze. I've made sure to spend plenty of time with my friends and family before I leave and I know they are all proud of me but sad/ scared for me to leave (thanks for the support, I love you all!). I am heading to Kalamazoo next week to have one last bar hop with some sweet college buds and then my brother is AWESOME and taking me SKYDIVING on Cinco De Mayo! Going to be the most unforgettable 5th of May ever!!! In my mind I'm realizing that joining the Peace Corps is a bit like jumping out of an airplane... you don't really know how it feels until you try it and it will be an experience of a lifetime that you will never forget. Also my time volunteering with the kindergarteners is coming to an end and I will miss them all but hopefully some of their future teachers will be corresponding with me through letters over the next 2 years! I'm excited about that (btw I am corresponding with 6 teachers in the Lake Shore school district and a friends class in AZ). I'll have plenty of letters and e-mail to write and keep me busy when it get a bit boring :p

!!!!!!!26 more days!!!!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Staging e-mail

Got an e-mail today about staging! It will be in Philadelphia (where I went on spring break last year) very nice city... historical... good food and I'm STOKED to meet everyone! Just seems so real now that I got more information. I'll post more when I receive my staging packet/papers in about 2 weeks :)

Heck yes!