Packing List

*red means i ‘regret’ bringing the item to Uganda and could have easily bought it here or don’t need it.

*Underlined means I’m extremely happy I brought it

Crayons (quality here sucks)
Plastic Ziplock bags (the bags here aren’t as good)
Toothbrush/ paste
Body wash
Aloe (you’ll be living near the equator so you will get burnt either by the sun or other means PC does not provide)
Sunblock (peace corps provides SPF 30)
Clorox wipes
Bar of soap (easily available in country and I didn’t use in the US)
Deodorant (I brought 2 extra and have a travel size) Its hard to find and expensive.
Cough drops (PC provides in medical kit)
Q-tips (I can’t live without them and they are expensive but available in the capitol)
Hair brush
Card games (UNO, Phase 10, regular cards)
Baby wipes (for when I don’t feel like bathing or am super dirty) - can get here but expensive most places
Duct tape (useful in many ways)
Calculator (I have a computer and a phone for that)
Belt (got to keep the pants from falling down somehow!) - they sell here but cheap quality
Wallet (useful but I always keep it in a backpack pouch not a pocket)
Calendar (helps keep track of the days and decorates the house a bit)
Tampons (cardboard work best since all trash is burned)
Shoes (durable hiking shoes, close toed sandles) 
Flip Flops (why waste the space you can get them in country)
Rain Jacket (I spent 2 months looking for a good one with pockets that zip… Columbia)
Blue Jeans (brought one pair but wish I had 2)
Dress (for swearing in… don’t worry about looking SUPER DUPER formal)
Shirts (brought dress (4) and t-shirts (aprox 10))
Undershirts (aka beaters are good for around the house on hot days)
Skirts (brought 3)
Socks (if you bring shoes bring socks)
Washcloth (you can get here but not good quality)
Bedsheets/ pillowcase (PC provides a pillow but not sheets. I recommend Double. Beds here can be huge)
Ankle Braces (I have weak ankles. Plus the ground is extremely uneven and you will trip a lot)
Photos/ Letters from home (this keeps you on track when you get ‘lost’)
Water bottle (bring a Nalgene so you don’t get stuck buying water the whole time)
Lanyard/Kleenex/Listerine strips/sticky notes/life straw/ camping water filter
(most of this has proved useless and I wish I saved space for other useful things)
Power converter (get a Power Matic when you shop in the capitol whatever you get make sure it lets through the proper voltage)
And extra bag with: toothpaste, deodorant, bug spray (PC Provides), hair products, and a toothbrush
Exercise band (best way to work out in a small space)
Extra bag of undies/ bras (felt good after 6 months to have something ‘new’ and good underwear does not exist here)
Knives (can’t find good ones in country)
Veggie scrubber (easy to come by here)
Peeler (bring one from home!)
Can opener (useful and very expensive here)
Spatulas/ big spoons (saved me $$ but could have bought here)
Hair scissors (if you plan to cut your hair the next 2 years it helps)
Books (invest in a Kindle or Nook)
Binoculars (have worked wonders for bird watching)
Bathing suit (bikinis are okay at hotels… I brought my old lifeguard one piece and wish I had a 2)
Drawing pads (I draw… bring something you like to do)
World Map (I look at it often and educate myself about the world)
Re-chargeable batteries and charger (great purchase… I bought Eneloop from online)
Emery boards/ nail clippers (for maintenance but you can get clippers here)
Glad containers (expensive here, pack things in them when you bring them)
Vicks Vaporub (Even Uganda has a ‘cold’ season)
Vasoline (can get here easily)
Neosporen (PC medical provides in med kit)
Tea Tree Oil (I heard it was good for bug bites… have used but not often)
Quick dry towels (towels here are expensive and work poorly… good for travel)
Seasonings (food is bland so bring some but have your family send more once you arrive. Plus they have a variety of seasonings in the supermarkets)
Chapstick (I brought flavored and its been amazing how often I put it on)
Sewing kit (I don’t sew but it helps)
Carribeaners (VERY useful)
Vacuum sealed pillow (Pillows here SUCK and PC provides one but I like having multiple pillows)
Computer/ external harddrive (great for movie sharing)
Camera (duh… bring it!)
Ipod (wish I had a more ‘low key’ Ipod other than a Itouch)
Sleeping bag (very useful for traveling but not necessary)
Yoga mat (they are EXPENSIVE here… bring it from home/ its a pain to bring but worth it!)
Frisbees/ Ukulele (Its what I like to do so I brought them with me)

What I wish I brought:
Bird book
Travel pillow
More good pens
Ipod nano
Extra laptop battery (for when power is out for long periods)
Sea Salt

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