Friday, May 11, 2012

11 Days & Counting

Its only been a little over a week since my last post but it feels like its been over a month! I've been so busy doing nothing but everything at the same time (mentally and physically) preparing to leave for 2 years that I just haven't wanted/ been able to (circle one) sit and type everything out. Even now I keep getting up... doing something and continuing where I stopped typing. Radar (my dog) needs attention too before I leave! The good news is I pretty much have everything I hope I'll need for the next 2 years and I'm sick of shopping online and in the stores. 

So since my last post I received confirmation of my flight to Philly on the 22nd, a recommended packing list for Uganda, a list of last minute packing reminders and requirements, and an itinerary for the first 9 weeks of my new life! To make a long and detailed schedule short(er)...

My Peace Corps Trainee (PCT) schedule:

Week 1 and 2: spent at a central training site learning about Uganda, its culture, skills, and basic Luganda and Ugandan English = Uganglish (just mash it together like potatoes).

Week 3, 4 and 5: I guess PC is trying something new for training and sending us away to Satellite locations in smaller groups for these next 3 weeks so we can learn a language more practical to out "permanent" site (I'm guessing) and work on community integration.

Week 5: I get to visit my future site and supervisors/ colleagues!!!!! I'm already stoked for this week just reading about it on a piece of paper so when it actually comes I'm going to be majorly uuber stoked!

Week 6-8: ongoing assessment training (Yikes!)

July 26th if all goes well I will be Swearing in as a PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER!!

July 27th I will be on my way to my new home!!!

Almost forgot how badass my weekend was... Instead of explaining it... I'll just show you a picture or 2!

This is how I celebrate Cinco De Mayo! 
Go BIG or Go Home!

Keeping an open mind with little expectations.... here I come Uganda!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, i like this. I guess it was really fun. Am Gilbert, the guy who over questioned u about the blog at the internet cafe.
