Monday, October 15, 2012


Just a little addition to the last post that I forgot to add because I was so distracted last time:

Last Monday I was late to dinner with Candy and Sophie because when I walked outside of my house I was greeted by two adorable goats I haven't seen yet. Turns out they were just born the night before and already walking and stumbling all over the place. I even got to hold one of the cuties :) But unfortunately I have not seen them since... uh oh :/

On a happier note I would like to congratulate my cousin Chris on his marriage! All I kept thinking about was what I was missing out on but I showed up in style and attached to what looks like a stick...? Yes that is correct. My amazing cousin Laura who must miss me dearly has attached my head to a stick. I was fed chocolate, champagne, and wine! Too bad I couldn't taste any of it! Welcome to the CrAzY family Jenni!!
With my brother

I don't even have hands to feed myself! Looks yummy!
Oh and my Michael also got his first deer with a bow last weekend! If only I could get some of that protein sent to me in yummy jerky form. Wishful thinking. I'm sure it will be eaten very quickly!

Enjoy the pictures I know some of them relate to past posts but I said I'd get them up! 

A little something I drew in my backyard to cheer me up :)
What a mess! Making English Muffins!
Ready to get cooked!
First batch!

After some practice... Looks like I got it from the store! NOPE! That's ALL me!

The baby goats
Adorable right? Already jumping around and less than 24 hours old! I wish we could do that.
I like birds. Even these fancy vested crows :)

Roosters calling from my backyard... time to wake up! 

Cat vs. Chickens... tempting isn't it?

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